Sunday, May 10, 2015

Worst Western foreign correspondents working in the Middle East today

Worst correspondent on Syria: by far, Liz Sly whose dispatches read like English language translations of press statements of what is left of Free Syrian Army.
Worst correspondent on Lebanon: by far, Nicholas Blanford, whose dispatches have the least credibility and who has a penchant for making this up, as they appear to the reader especially when he writes about Hizbullah.  As for his writing about Hariri Inc, his dispatches are word-for-word whatever Hariri cronies tell him.
Worst correspondent in occupied Palestine: by far, Isabel Kershner. If the Israeli terrorist military does not pay Kershner a salary, they should.
Worst correspondent in Iraq: by far, Rod Nordland and John Burns: they approach the job with the same arrogance of a Western colonial officer from the 19th century who thinks that the color of his skin puts him in a whole different category than the people he is ruling over.
Worst correspondent in Afghanistan: what is her name? The former New York Times correspondent who wrote in the Times that the last election of Hamid Karzai seemed free of fraud and rigging? It was so funny because days later she had to reverse herself in another dispatch.
Worst correspondent in Egypt: what is the name of that Egyptian-American who writes series of articles from Cairo that can all be grouped under the headline: O, white man, please look at me. I even lifted the veil just for you. O, white man?