Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Netanyahu lies in citing something I said about BDS

"Netanyahu cited what he called "one of the leaders" of BDS as stating that its real aim was "to bring down the State of Israel"."  This has become a standard lie by Israeli and Zionist propaganda. They allege that I have said that the real aim of BDS is to "bring down the state of Israel".  I never said such a thing.  I said (either at Oxford University or at the University of Edinburgh--I am not sure but the Zionist spies can check their notes) in an answer to a question about the criticisms of BDS by Norman Finkelstein that BDS does not have a position on the one-state or the two-states and I added that: "the real aim of BDS SHOULD BE (I never said "is") to bring down the state of Israel".  That statement was distorted to make me say that the real aim of BDS is to bring down the state of Israel, which isn't true, and I wish if it were true.